Are You a "Procrastiplanner?" productivity

Have you ever fallen into the trap of spending hours and hours planning something (a new project, a goal you're aiming for), but then never actually following through?

If so, you might be...

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To Maximize Your Effectiveness, Identify Your Big Rocks productivity

Have you heard of the old scenario where you need to fill a jar with some big rocks, pebbles, and sand, and you have to decide what goes in the jar first?

This metaphor was popularized by Stephen...

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How to Brain Dump to Increase Productivity, Clarity, and Calm productivity

Have you ever had about 100 internet browsers open, only to realize that your computer is overheating, taking about ten times longer than usual to load, and making a concerning fanning sound?!!


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How to Design a Killer Morning Routine personal growth productivity

Do you envision having a beautiful, fulfilling, impactful morning routine, but just can’t manage to get your butt out of bed??? 

Believe me, you’re not alone.

Because let’s...

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